Journey of a Learner: All Books


“The Journey Of A Learner”
A 12-part series on lessons I’ve learnt over the last 12 years as a talent manager, entertainment executive/consultant.
The #JourneyOfALearner series is a 12-part eBook series about navigating the African entertainment industry. They are also my letters to generations to come about how I built a career for myself in the entertainment industry over the last 12 years.

It is not a manual. It is a series of documents that chronicle my experiences, successes, mistakes and failures. The goal is for young people, interested in a career in the creative sector, to; learn from my errors and do better than I did when I started. Better than our generation did.

These books contain practical advice, and warnings about potential challenges they may encounter and mistakes they will most likely make on their own journeys. While I cannot stop all mistakes that will be made, it is my hope that the “Journey of a Learner” will help young creative entrepreneurs make less mistakes than I did.